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PCN400型全自动运动粘度测定仪使用方法可测量透明及不透明液体到同样精度,包括原油、轻重质燃料油、润滑油、添加剂、 废油的运动粘度。也适用于测量含蜡量高样品, 或含有在室温下不溶化成分样品的运动粘度。 全自动进样、恒温、粘度测试、清洗、干燥粘度计, 不需人员随机操作,操作员在放样后, 可以离开现场,仪器可以自动完成全部任务。

  • 更新时间:2017-08-10
  • 访问次数:732
  • PCN400型全自动运动粘度测定仪

    可测量透明及不透明液体到同样精度,包括原油、轻重质燃料油、润滑油、添加剂、 废油的运动粘度。也适用于测量含蜡量高样品, 或含有在室温下不溶化成分样品的运动粘度。 全自动进样、恒温、粘度测试、清洗、干燥粘度计, 不需人员随机操作,操作员在放样后, 可以离开现场,仪器可以自动完成全部任务。
    执行标准:符合GB/T265,ASTM D445,D446,ISO3104,ISO3105标准


    技术参数 :
    1. 温度范围:室温~150℃,控温精度:±0.01℃;(全范围任意可调)。用户可选配制冷设备,进行低温粘度的测定。   重复性:≤0.01S    再现性:≤0.02S
    2运动粘度测量范围:0.4 、0.6、0.8、1.0、1.2、1.5、、2.0、3.0由用户按需要选择乌式粘度计,更换方便只用一分钟左右。粘度计如有特殊要求,公司也可以订做相应的粘度计。 
    3. 显示: 7 寸彩色液晶显示屏。,图文显示细腻无锯齿,颜色艳丽,显示分辨率高;塑料注塑的一体化显示屏面框美观大方;全中文操作界面,显示直观。同时,具备权限管理功能,有效避免非专业人员对本测定仪关键参数进行设定。
    4. 检测孔数; 两孔,可以同时做平行样或者不同的粘度计检测。两孔检测互不干扰。
    6. 输入系统: 触摸屏输入,采用人体感应式触摸按键,无机械触点,防尘防水,抗射频干扰,使用寿命长。也可以外接键盘输入, 
    7. 检测装置; 红外线检测器检测粘度计(光电检测),安全准确可靠,
    8:安全功能; 仪器自带加热浴安全保护功能,如果出现加热装置不可控的状况下,只要达到仪器zui高限定温度155℃,仪器就会自动关断,防止出现着火或浴缸爆裂事故。
    9; 打印功能; 仪器内置微型热敏打印机,其打印更安静、快速、清晰。实验结果可以自动打印。
    11. 外部输出: RS-232C 标准接口能与PC机连接,也可以连接LIMS系统
    12:电源电压: AC220V±10%,50HZ±2HZ
    13:整机功率:小于1200W ;


    主要特点 : 
    •内部设计RS-232C 标准接口电路,可与PC机连接;也可以连接LIMS系统
    粘度指数和赛波特通用粘度自动计算 , 具计算机自我故障诊断程序
    可对高粘度及含蜡样品盘和废液排放系统进行预热 ( 50℃ ~ 100℃ )

    PCN400 Automatic Kinematic viscosity testers 

    Same accuracy to the measurement of transparent and opaque liquids, including crude oil, light and heavy fuel oils, lubricants, additives, waste oil kinematic viscosity. Also suitable for measuring the amount of wax-containing high-sample, or contains the kinematic viscosity of the composition sample at room temperature without melting. Automatic injection, constant temperature, viscosity testing, cleaning, drying viscometer without random operations, the operator in the loft, you can leave the scene, the instrument can automatically complete all tasks. 

    Executive Standard: conform GB/T265, ASTM D445, D446, ​​ISO3104, ISO3105 standards 
    Technical parameters: 
    1. Temperature range: room temperature to 150 ° C, temperature control accuracy: ± 0.01 ° C; (full range adjustable). User optional refrigeration equipment, the determination of the low-temperature viscosity. Repeatability: ≤ 0.01S reproducibility: ≤ 0.02S 
    The 2 kinematic viscosity measurement range: 0.4 0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.5, 2.0, 3.0, by the user as needed to select a Ubbelohde viscometer, easy to replace with only a minute or so. If you have special requirements viscometer viscometer, the company can also be customized. 
    3: 7-inch color LCD screen. Delicate, graphic display non-serrated, bright colors, high resolution; nice box integrated display surface of the plastic injection molding; Chinese user interface, intuitive display. At the same time, with rights management functions, effective way to avoid the non-professionals to set the key parameters of the analyzer. 
    . Detect the number of holes; two holes at the same time to do parallel samples or different viscometer detector. Two holes detected without disturbing each other. 
    5. Cleaning device: pulse cleaning, repeated washing viscometer 
    Input system: touch screen input, using the human body sensor touch buttons, no mechanical contact, dust and water resistance to radio frequency interference, and long service life. External keyboard input 
    7. Detection device; detect infrared detector the viscometer (photoelectric detection), safe, accurate and reliable, 
    8: security features; instrument comes with heating the bath safety protection function, If not controlled heating device status, if it reaches the instrument limited the maximum temperature 155 ℃, the instrument will automatically shut off to prevent fire or bath Bursting. 
    9; Print function; instrument built-in mini thermal printer, print more quiet, fast and clear. The experimental results can be printed automatically. 
    10: Error Correction: The user can set the parameters according to the actual situation, which can quickly calculate the determination of the results of the error, the difference between the measurement results super meter will automatically re-determination, until you meet the error requirement. 
    11 external output: RS-232C standard interface can be connected with a PC can also be connected to the LIMS system 
    12: Power supply voltage: AC220V ± 10%, 50HZ ± 2HZ 
    13: Total power: less than 1200W; 

    Main features: 
    • MCU control, LCD touch screen operation 
    • measurement process include: constant temperature, viscosity testing, cleaning, drying, automation of the whole process. 
    • operator in the loft, you can leave the scene, the instrument can automatically complete all tasks; 
    • Experimental procedures adjustable to, modify, add and infinite; 
    • The experimental results can be stored for 100 experimental results, the right to access and print multiple data repeatability, reproducibility comparisons and calculations; 
    The instrument comes with lighting means to facilitate the measuring and cleaning of observed test viscometer 
    • Built-in self-test function system with automatic diagnostic fault program, more reliable operation; 
    • Depending on the user needs to increase the refrigeration equipment; 
    • Internal design RS-232C standard interface circuit, can be connected with the PC; LIMS system can also be connected 
    Viscosity index and Saybolt Universal Viscosity automatically calculated with computer self fault diagnosis procedures 
    Of high viscosity and wax tray and wastewater discharge system preheated (50 ° C and at 100 ° C) 
    Dimensions: 650 × 500 × 420 (mm)


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    • 上海市宝山区水产西路680弄4号楼509
    • 86-021-56479693